Commercial Debt Collections Law Firm
Cohn & Cohn, P.C. is an established New York City-based law firm specializing in Creditors’ Rights Representation and Commercial Debt Collections.
With over 35 years experience specializing in Business and Collection Law, Cohn & Cohn, P.C. offers extensive knowledge in the areas of Collections, Bankruptcy, Creditor’s Rights, Mechanic’s Liens, Small Business Law and Finance. We know how to aggressively pursue the payment of receivables without violating federal or state laws regarding collection practices. As your commercial collections law firm, we will employ the necessary means to engage delinquent parties at whatever level is required to obtain payment.
Cohn & Cohn Law are completely ethical, professional and law-abiding in collection practices. Our collections process fully adheres to the strict requirements of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
Nationwide Service
Through our network of attorneys we can provide collection services anywhere in the United States. This is especially important if your case requires representation in courts that are outside of the State of New York.
Proprietary Computer Program
We have developed a proprietary computer program to handle collection matters and to meet the needs of the creditor client. Our clients include insurance companies, insurance brokers, banks, doctors, retailers, manufacturers, suppliers, commercial lessors and retail establishments.
We can also represent debtors and the specific issues regarding the judgment debtor.
Don’t delay. The longer you wait, the harder it is to collect.
CALL (212) 571-6200
Fax: (917) 525-2095
Jonathan D. Cohn
Attorney At Law
E-mail: Click here
Cohn & Cohn, P.C.
100 Church Street, Suite 800
New York, NY 10007
Types of Claims
Goods Sold & Delivered
Insurance Premiums
Monies Loaned
Work Labor Rendered
Services Rendered
Professional Services
Insurance Companies
Insurance Brokers
Commercial Lessors
Judgment Debtors